Friday, October 19, 2012

I don't feel like cooking

Today was one of those days that I was EXHAUSTED. And the thought of making a meal was going to make me angry. However- the thought of eating out was even worse. All I wanted to do was sit in bed and fall asleep. Ha! Wishful thinking!!!
I searched my pantry and fridge for items to just make a huge, clean, healthy salad.
Look what I found- not bad! Gotta love Trader Joes! All Organic produce and paid a small amount.
It's days like today when I am glad that I overstock my car with healthy, easy accessible veggies. Just to make a quick meal with no headaches!

It's was a clean meal- the family enjoyed it and we noshed on a delicious salad!
FYI- I added some roasted beets and pumpkin seeds, and eggs. Tossed with a fabulous lemon vinegrette!

Olive oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Dijon mustard
Salt & Pepper.

Yummmm- I think I am gonna make it for lunch and add some grilled chicken or fresh tuna!

Have a healthy day!

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