Sunday, November 4, 2012


It's football Sunday in my house. I am making baked hot chicken wings, a carrot and celery tray, and a kale and spinach salad. But something is missing.... Dessert!!!

These cookies are a perfect easy recipe for a little sweet treat!

6 Medjool dates, pitted
1/4 cup almond meal/flour
1/4 cup pumpkin puree
1 egg
1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
3.5 ounces of 72% dark chocolate

In a food processor, blend dates and almond meal.

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

In a bowl, add dates, almond meal, pumpkin puree, egg, allspice, cinnamon, baking powder, egg and coconut flakes. Blend.

On a parchment paper-lined cookie sheet, use about 2 tsp of the batter to form a ball and then push down in the center to create a “nest”. Do this about 15 times.

Cook for 10 minutes.

Melt the dark chocolate in a double boiler on low.

Let cookies cool for 10 minutes. Spoon melted chocolate in the dip of each cookie. Let rest for 1 hour.


*recipe from CaveGirl Cuisine

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Honey Carmel apples

This is an amazing recipe for the perfect Carmel Apples. And tonight is a great night to make them.
While little trick or treaters are knocking in your door... These could be brewing in the kitchen!!!

This recipe is courtesy of one of my favorite website Nourished Kitchen. Check it out- they have awesome wholesome recipes for fall and always.

6 medium apples (or substitute 8 small apples)
1 cup honey
3/4 cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 teaspoon unrefined sea salt
natural red food dye (optional)
1/2 cup crushed pecans (preferably soaked and dried)
6 sticks or wooden dowels
Whisk honey, cream, butter and salt in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium-high heat until it begins to bubble, then immediately reduce the heat to medium. Stir in food coloring, adjusting the volume to match the intensity of color you like.
Continue to whisk the caramel frequently to prevent scorching and to prevent it from bubbling up and out of of your saucepan. Continue to cook until the caramel reaches a temperature of 260 F (about 25 minutes). The caramel should be a rich brown or red-brown if you also used food coloring; the bubbles should be small and should uniformly cover the surface of the pan and the caramel should be thickened.
Prepare an ice bath. Then pour the hot caramel into a mixing bowl and place the bowl in the ice bath, taking care not to splash water into the hot caramel. Stir the caramel until it is uniformly cooled and it begins to thicken just a bit.
Plunge a wooden stick or dowel into the core of your apples and roll them, one by one, in the caramel until uniformly coated. Roll them in chopped pecans and place them on a piece of parchment paper to cool completely before serving.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Simple is always better...

This week has just been crazy for me. Longer days at work, Lots of after school activities, homework...

So needless to say I have been taking a break from a creative kitchen and serving up something fast and simple. It's always a pleaser in my household if I make turkey panini's. Monday we made turkey and apple panini with a dill yogurt spread. It was tasty and super easy to whip up.
Tuesday was roasted chicken with spinach salad- thank you Trader Joes for a perfect bag of Organic super greens! And the skin on, bone in chicken was amazingly juicy. (I like to cook with the skin to keep it moist- but I peel it back before I eat) just not a skin girl ;)

So, tonight rolled around and once again baseball went late and my crossfit workout took much more strength than I thought! So I was tired and not wanting to think.
I had Grassfed ground beef in the fridge. I cooked it up with some onion and peppers, added a little garlic and pepper. Then I roasted some broccoli in the oven with a touch of coconut oil, minced garlic, salt and pepper. I baked till tip turns crispy. That's my favorite way to eat broccoli.
I then proceeded to mix it all together.
Ground beef, onion, peppers, broccoli.

Super easy beef and veggie bowl. Chase had some fresh chopped tomatoes and lettuce in his- almost a taco bowl. Jason has marinara in his and I had mine just simple as easy!

It was a great night.

Friday, October 19, 2012

I don't feel like cooking

Today was one of those days that I was EXHAUSTED. And the thought of making a meal was going to make me angry. However- the thought of eating out was even worse. All I wanted to do was sit in bed and fall asleep. Ha! Wishful thinking!!!
I searched my pantry and fridge for items to just make a huge, clean, healthy salad.
Look what I found- not bad! Gotta love Trader Joes! All Organic produce and paid a small amount.
It's days like today when I am glad that I overstock my car with healthy, easy accessible veggies. Just to make a quick meal with no headaches!

It's was a clean meal- the family enjoyed it and we noshed on a delicious salad!
FYI- I added some roasted beets and pumpkin seeds, and eggs. Tossed with a fabulous lemon vinegrette!

Olive oil
Balsamic Vinegar
Dijon mustard
Salt & Pepper.

Yummmm- I think I am gonna make it for lunch and add some grilled chicken or fresh tuna!

Have a healthy day!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Dinner, dinner - time for dinner.

Tonight was a fabulous evening for an alternative Italian dish!
Chase has been sick for 2 days and I was going stir crazy and had to get busy in the kitchen. While he was resting I had time to prep up the veggies- so when dinner came around I only had a few things to do. It was quick and easy.
I had time to clean the house, do laundry, and even run my sprints outside. Perfect day- sort of!

Tonight's special is...
Chicken parm-ish, zuchinni spaghetti , and butternut squash fries. It was a fabulous fall evening packing with lots of food and a cool breeze.


4 Free range chicken breasts- sliced in half to make 8 skinny breasts!
1 cup almonds
1 cup walnuts
4 eggs
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
2 tbsp olive oil
2 cups marinara sauce
1 cup cheese (mozzarella, goat, feta)
Salt & pepper- to taste
** almond flour may be substituted
** cheese is optional if Paleo or dairy free.

Beat 4 eggs and place in a bowl. Combine almonds and walnuts in food processor or blender (to flour consistency). Mix with onion powder, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Place in another bowl.
Heat olive oil in a sauté pan. Dredge chicken in egg wash and place in dry mix till coated. Fry in oil till browned and flip. (Don't flip too much or coating will come off). Place on paper towel to remove excess oil.

Coat with marinara and cheese and heat in oven till melted. (350f)


4 zucchini
1 tsp olive oil
1 garlic clove minced
Salt & pepper to taste

Heat oil in pan. Use a julienne slicer to make long spaghetti noodles. Heat in oil, garlic, s & p for just a few minutes to warm. If you toss too much it will get mushy. You still want a crunch!!


1 butternut squash
1 tbsp coconut oil

Slice squash, remove seeds, and peel skin. Chop into fry shape. Toss with oil and bake 425 degrees F till crispy. Approx 20 mins. (It will depend how much "juice" the squash will have.
Sprinkle salt and pepper or cinnamon for a different flavor.

This is a really great meal. It's healthy, full of vitamins and minerals. Loaded with protein and really tasty. I think you will all love it.
My family did :)


Monday, October 15, 2012

Fried shrimp- Paleo style

This is a perfect dish to make with the "bang bang" sauce. It's easy and so tastey. There is not a huge story behind this- except that I was craving something spicy and yummy for dinner. And I got a bunch of fresh shrimp from the market today...


20 RAW shrimp (don't use frozen)
2 eggs
2 Tbsp Arrowroot Powder
1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
1/4 tsp Onion Powder
1/4 tsp Garlic powder
1/4 tsp adobo seasoning
1/4 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp pepper
Coconut oil (frying)

Mix breading ingredients in a bowl. De-vain and shell shrimp. Mix eggs and arrowroot. Then dredge in breading mix. Heat coconut oil and place shrimp in pan. Use medium heat. Once golden brown place on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Sat and pepper to taste.

* you can bake these at 400 degrees F
For 13-15 minutes.

1/4 cup mayo (Paleo mayo preferred)
4 tbsp sweet chili sauce
1 tsp Sriracha
1 tsp coconut vinegar
2 green onions (for garnish)

Mix together and top with onions.
Serve on side of shrimp.


Chia- pet....? No Chia Pudding!!!!

Who knew this itty-bitty seed can pack so much superfood goodness? Chia seeds are a great was to add a maximum amount of nutrients with a minimum amount if calories.
It curbs your appetite with more omega-3 fatty acids than Salmon!!

So for a late night snack I am making Chia Seed Pudding!!

1/4 cup Chia Seeds
2/3 cup spring water
Local honey

Place the seeds in warm or cold water and stir- a lot!
Place in fridge for 10 minutes and it form into "pudding".
Top with sliced banana, strawberries, blueberries and coconut. Drizzle with honey for sweetness if needed.
